Our audit identified matters that are considered reportable under Government Auditing Standards and OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. These items included: (1) The Department of Commerce's Division of Employment Security did not maintain adequate documentation to support the proper identification and handling of cases investigated for unemployment overpayment. (2) The Department of Commerce's Division of Workforce Solutions did not have procedures to verify the receipt of subrecipients' corrective action plans that ensure subrecipients are taking steps to address deficiencies identified during the on-site monitoring visits. (3) The Department of Commerce's Division of Workforce Solutions and the Rural Development Division did not report Workforce Investment Act Cluster or Community Development Block Grant subaward obligations exceeding $25,000 within the time period established by the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act. Details about each item are provided in the Audit Findings and Responses section of the report.