Pro Formas

Pro Formas for Agencies, Universities and Community Colleges

The Office of the State Auditor prepares the Agency, University and Community College pro forma financial statements and notes to the financial statements annually. These pro formas are prepared in an effort to help you better meet the challenges presented by the ever-expanding GAAP requirements that impact your financial reporting process and to provide for some consistency in reporting.

Please note that the pro formas are designed to be a starting point … a suggestion for how disclosures can be prepared to meet GASB requirements. It is important to note, however, that these pro formas may not be all inclusive. The disclosures included are limited to only standard disclosures (what is normally encountered at an agency/ university / community college). They do NOT provide pro forma text for all GASB requirements. You will need to prepare the disclosures for any GASB requirements that apply to your agency/ university / college that are not addressed here.

Please submit completed financial statements to:

Agencies that contract with a CPA firm for their audit may submit the audit report to:

Agency  (2023)  University (2024)Community College (2024)
Notes to the Financial StatementsNotes to the Financial StatementsNotes to the Financial Statements
Required Supplementary Information