
Our audit identified matters that are considered reportable under Government Auditing Standards and OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. These items included: (1) The Department did not ensure that the required minimum tests were performed for asphalt used in highway and other construction projects. (2) The Department did not perform quarterly project reviews designed to increase compliance with required minimum acceptance testing requirements for materials used in highway construction projects. (3) The Department did not ensure that approved cost-saving recommendations from value engineering analyses were included in the final design of projects funded with Highway Planning and Construction Cluster funds. (4) The Department did not consistently follow its procedures to identify and obtain contractor payrolls for projects funded with Highway Planning and Construction Cluster and High-Speed Rail Corridors and Intercity Passenger Rail Service - Capital Assistance Grants. Details about each item are provided in the Findings, Recommendations, and Responses section of the report.
