
This audit was conducted to determine whether the certification process of NCTracks - North Carolina's Medicaid payment system - met its schedule according to the plan and detailed timeline provided to the General Assembly in January 2014, and to assess whether risks exist that could delay NCTracks from obtaining federal certification. Our audit found the NCTracks certification process did not achieve the original milestones set in the plan and detailed timeline provided to the General Assembly and the system was not certified by July 1, 2014, as planned by the Department. During the audit, the Department's target for NCTracks to undergo federal certification became October 2014; however, the certification project schedule was not updated to reflect this. At the completion of the audit fieldwork and preparation of the draft report, the NCTracks system was not ready for the Department to request certification from the federal government, which delays the State from achieving operational cost savings sooner. Unresolved risks exist that could further delay NCTracks from obtaining federal certification. Details about each item are provided in the Findings and Recommendations section of the report.
