

North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, Driving While Impaired Vehicle Seizure Program

PDF • 157.73 KB - November 07, 2019

(1) The investigation found that the State's towing and storage contractor for the eastern region of North Carolina sold vehicles that did not have holds placed on their titles after the vehicles were seized from DWI repeat offenders. As a result, local school systems did not receive $37,708 to which they were entitled, the DWI repeat offenders may have been able to recover the vehicles and continue to drive, and innocent owners of these seized vehicles may have incurred financial losses. (2) The contractor failed to comply with certain contract terms and conditions including maintaining a separate account for sales proceeds, displaying photographs on its website of all vehicles to be sold at auction, removing and labeling personal property remaining in each vehicle, and not allowing vehicles to remain with the local towing subcontractors for at least two business days. Details about each item are provided in the 'Findings and Recommendations' section of the report.

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