City of Rocky Mount
City of Rocky Mount
The results of our investigation found:
Multiple City of Rocky Mount officials prevented the Business Services Center from adhering to its utility Customer Service Policy resulting in a $47,704 write-off of a City council member’s utility account.
City of Rocky Mount Downtown Development Managers failed to follow program guidelines for the downtown roof replacement and building assistance programs resulting in uncollected loan payments of $32,452 and inappropriately awarded grants totaling $28,000.
The City of Rocky Mount Engineering Division violated the City’s Code of Ordinances by not collecting on a letter of credit as required after two years resulting in potential costs of $31,000 to complete subdivision improvements.
The City Manager failed to comply with the City of Rocky Mount’s travel policy resulting in $1,575 in unallowable travel expenses.
The City of Rocky Mount failed to designate an American with Disabilities Act coordinator since 2010 as required by federal law.