The North Carolina Office of the State Auditor initiated an investigative audit in response to multiple allegations received regarding Fayetteville State University (University). The results of our investigative audit include four findings related to the University’s Office of Strategic Communication (OSC) not following University policies.

These findings include:

$692,239 in Purchasing Card (P-card) and Travel Card (T-card) purchases from January 1, 2022, through August 31, 2023, which were unallowable and/or did not contain sufficient documentation.  Specifically:

  1. $575,123 in P-card purchases which were unallowable per University policy.
  2. $84,469 in T-card purchases which were unallowable per University policies.
  3. $322,743 in P-card and T-card purchases which did not contain sufficient documentation to support that they were for a valid University purpose.

The total amount above in findings one through three includes $290,096 of purchases that were both unallowable per University policies and did not contain sufficient documentation.

  1. $165,570 paid to businesses owned by employees who had not disclosed a financial interest in the business, creating a potential conflict of interest.

Please see the report for more information.

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