Pursuant to Senate Bill 222 of the 1999 Session Laws as passed by the General Assembly, we are submitting this Interim Report on the performance audit of the Office of Information Technology Services (ITS) procurement function. Specifically, the legislation directed us to review the procurement process for information technology that was transferred in Senate Bill 222 from the Department of Administration, Division of Purchase and Contract (P&C) to ITS. The specific objectives as identified in the legislation along with ones identified by the State Auditor were: Determine whether the Office of Information Technology Services (ITS) established adequate rules and internal procedures to exercise the powers granted especially with regard to the additional powers contained in Senate Bill 222. Ascertain whether ITS complied with applicable statutes, rules, and regulations. Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the procurement policies and operations of ITS and compare the procedures and operations of the IT procurement process at ITS to the process previously used at the Department of Administration, Division of Purchase and Contract (P&C). Identify the amount spent throughout State government for IT assets.